Forum Replies Created
April 20, 2020 at 7:19 pm in reply to: Nancy & Paul Harr, Columbia, SC; Current 2-yo m/n ADT, 0 kids #24734
Hi Nancy,
It was good to touch base with you earlier today. I spoke with Jackie Cash regarding your interest in Gizmo. She and I concur, that there are just too many unknowns with her. As you said…we don’t want to have to re-home her AGAIN if she couldn’t get along with Mick. Please let me know your thoughts and keep looking at our sites.
Warmest regards,
Kelly Imbody, ARGConnie,
I just realized that I asked you to look at the wrong ‘dale!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please take a look at Gizmo NOT Banjo. Please contact me with any questions/concerns. So sorry for my mix up. KellyHi Connie!
I hope this finds you weathering the quarantine as well as can be expected and that you are healthy. I’m wondering if you’d take a look at ARG website and specifically “Banjo”. I know on your application you stated a preference for a female, but Banjo is a sweet fella and he may fit your lifestyle. Take a look and let me know what you think…either way as we want to re-home this fella and we thought of you. I look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
Kelly Imbody, ARG
Sent from Mail for Windows 10April 20, 2020 at 6:54 pm in reply to: 2020 Janene & Peter Tompkins, Durham, NC, Not ADT exp. 2 CATS, 0 hr alone ADOPTIONG LADY #24731Airedale Rescue Group
Phone interview: Janene Tompkins
4/20/2020Janene is a financial planner working for Charles Schwab. She is currently working at home due to Covid-19 and is hopeful that after the “all clear” is given that she’ll be able to work from home a couple of days/week. Her husband works from home every day.
Dog history includes hound dogs from 1992-1999. They had a 13 year old female hound dog when they got their 1st German Shepard puppy from a breeder. They got along well. They then rescued a German Shepard that had been terribly neglected. They were also active in fostering German Shepard dogs with the local rescue organization. Janene related that they completed an ARG application 8-10 years ago, but that the German Shepard at the time did not react well to the HV Airedale. It will be 3 years in September that they have not had a dog. They currently have 2 indoor cats, the cats are not declawed. The cats got along with the German Shepard…”she raised our kitties.”
They are fenced. Janene describes it as a “jail.” The fence is wood with ½-1” gap between each board. They also have concrete, pavers and rebar to reinforce area. The fence goes all the way to the ground.
They used a crate to train…puppy as well as rescue. They met some folks at a local farmers market with 2 Airedales and this was their initial exposure to the breed. They used a local pet sitting service for the German Shepard when they traveled which Janene said was just a couple vacations/year. They would continue to use the same service.
Janene stated that they used Frontline and Advantix for Heartworm/Flea & Tick control. She runs about 2 miles/day but is working up to 3 i.e. a 5k. She would like a running companion.
I spoke with Lydia at Broadway Veterinary Hospital. She tells me the cats are up to date on their shots and come in for routine visits. The German Shepard was kept up to date as well and was on Heart worm and flea/tick preventative. She describes them as good clients.April 14, 2020 at 9:19 pm in reply to: Joi Farlough-Matthews & John Britton, Alpharetta, GA, ADT exp., 0 pets #246994/14/2020
Spoke with Joi’s ex-husband (her personal reference). He and Joi were married x 25 years. He was an OTR trucker. He had Scotty when “he was so small he fit in the palm of my hand.” Being a trucker, he wasn’t able to spend as much time as he would have liked with Scotty and Scotty and Joi became inseparable. Later on they acquired Kenya…both dogs got along well with each other. There were no untoward problems with their health. They doctored thru a PetSmart vet. He remembered Scotty being diagnosed with a heart murmur which “they addressed” but he doesn’t remember if it was a pill or what. Kenya was diagnosed with a sinus cavity cancer and passed due to this. Bruce can think of no reason not to adopt to Joi. He does not know her fiance’ so cannot speak to him.April 13, 2020 at 4:16 pm in reply to: Joi Farlough-Matthews & John Britton, Alpharetta, GA, ADT exp., 0 pets #24694AIREDALE RESCUE GROUP
Phone interview Joi Farlough-MatthewsJoi has been without a dog for 4 years. She got her 1 Airedale from a breeder in LA at the age of 8 weeks, then feeling that he needed a “friend” were able to adopt (not through a Rescue group) a female who was being “gifted” because of a divorce. The puppy lived to age 12 and the gifted female (adopted at age 8) only lived another 14 months…she passed from cancer. Both ‘dales did well together stating that when her Scotty met Kenya, it was “love at first sight!” Joi stated that both ‘dales got along well with other dogs.
Joi lives with her fiancé. Both work about 9 hours/day but she states that 2-3 days/week she is able to work from home and that they both work about 15 minutes from home and that their schedules are flexible enough to come home during the day to let the ‘dale out. She does not have a fence relating that the neighbors have a fence and she is fenced along the back…just no fence across the front. The yard is grass.
She has used Petsmart on occasion for boarding but that Scotty didn’t really care for it. She also related that she had a couple of other options that afforded Scotty a little more flexibility. She stated that he enjoyed car trips and took him with her whenever they could. She has never used a crate but is not averse to using one if need be.
Joi expressed interest in Banjo. I discussed with her the issue(s) surrounding Buddy. I told her that he is a resource guarder and that the current owners were considering euthanizing him. We discussed my Amos’ issues with resource guarding. She said she would be willing to talk with someone regarding Buddy, to learn more about him than what I could provide. At this juncture I called both Jackie and Pat.
It is truly a sad situation that this woman whom has Buddy has put him in. Hopefully Buddy will be saved…I will call her personal reference with notes forthcoming.
I looked briefly on SOAR & didn’t see him. However I think that there may be more than one SOAR? The one I’m familiar developed as a split off of ATRA. Also, you probably know where/how to look better than I! I think I will let sleeping dogs lie (pun intended!) Sounds like she’s angry right now & my gut tells me if I did respond we’d be in a “pissing match”. At this juncture I don’t think reason would prevail with her. I thought I was succinct in my email. She needs only to re-read it & read the mission statement of ARG to know that we are being consistent with & true to the values put forth. I’m with you Sue!!! Have a Happy Easter everyone!!! Kelly
Get Outlook for AndroidFrom: susan taylor
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2019 8:23:14 PM
To: Jackie Cash; Kelly Imbody
Cc: Pat Hairston; Barbara Yager
Subject: Re: Airedale Rescue GroupPeople! That’s why I love animals better!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Saturday, April 20, 2019, 7:22 PM, Jackie Cashwrote:
Bizarre. She apparently didn’t really read your email to her if she thinks she was declined! It makes me wonder about her stability. Or maybe just just scanned your email hurriedly.Of course, we are not going to try to get the Airedale in OH, as that is not our region. From what I’ve seen on FB, Starting Over Airedale Rescue (SOAR) is planning to get that Airedale. We have NO SAY as to who gets this dog, nor would we try to interfere with whoever gets it.
Since she wrote to you, Kelly, you can write back and tell her what I’ve said. If you wish to try to help her understand what you told her, that’s your call.
She still would have to have a home visit.
Thanks for letting us know.
Sent from my iPhoneOn Apr 20, 2019, at 4:43 PM, Kelly Imbody
Happy Easter all! I’m forwarding this to you as I just got it and am not sure how to respond if at all. KellyFrom: Trish Fore
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2019 4:16 PM
To: Kelly Imbody
Subject: Re: Airedale Rescue GroupSorry for the long delay in my response. Of course I was a bit taken aback by the groups decision to decline my application. I feel that is a very poor and sad decision as I am eager to make a home for a Airedale.
I’m only writing now because there is an Airedale in Athens, Ohio that someone just posted to FB on the group. I’m asking that the group please not take this dog, my parents are going to pick him up Tuesday as this is my hometown, I feel like it’s meant to be. I am a good dog mom and I really don’t feel like fighting for this lovey dog. I am driving to Ohio to my parents house Wednesday to celebrate Easter a week late and this was just posted, I know this is a sign. You had good references for me and I don’t need the groups help to take care of an animal.
I’m asking the group nicely, please don’t go get Muppet, I plan on picking him up to bringing him back to NC for his forever home.
Trish ForeApril 4, 2020 at 8:03 pm in reply to: Cara Hinson & Aaron McCoy, Auburn, GA, ADT exp., 4 kids, 6 hr alone, 0 pets #24642Spoke with personal reference Shellie Wood. Was aware of Cara & Aaron’s desire to adopt a ‘dale. States they are a great family, have nice big yard and nice home. Has known them for about 3 years. Sees no reason why ARG should not adopt to them.
April 2, 2020 at 3:10 pm in reply to: JoAnn Sedoris + 2 Adults, 3 Grands, Roswell, GA, ADT exp #24639You’re not going to believe it but my daughter and son in law surpassed me last with a doodle! Thank you so much for your time though. It was a pleasure talking to you. Be safe. Be well.
Sent from my iPhoneOn Apr 1, 2020, at 1:37 PM, Kelly Imbody
wrote: JoAnn,
It was good to speak with you this morning. I have spoken with your daughter’s vet and just finished speaking with Susan Moran…very nice gal. I’ll get everything written up and posted on our ARG internal board & you’ll be ready to go! As I said, keep an eye on our website as well as our fb site. Should you have any questions/concerns, please don’t hesitate to call, text or email me. It was a pleasure “meeting” you!
Warmest regards,
Kelly Imbody, ARG
Sent from Mail for Windows 10April 2, 2020 at 3:06 pm in reply to: Cara Hinson & Aaron McCoy, Auburn, GA, ADT exp., 4 kids, 6 hr alone, 0 pets #24638Cara,
Sure! A different reference would be fine. I’m so glad this wasn’t a deal breaker for you. I’ll wait to hear from you regarding a reference.
Kelly Imbody, ARGSent from Mail for Windows 10
From: john doe
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 9:50 AM
To: Kelly Imbody
Subject: Re: Airedale Rescue GroupHey Kelly,
I understand and can comply. Again, it’s been awhile since owning a dog and I was going off of mimicking how we handled Maggie but understand and can adjust as necessary.
Kelly has been told however she is also a nurse and working crazy hours/shifts. Am I able to provide you with another reference?Thanks,
Cara HinsonApril 1, 2020 at 6:15 pm in reply to: JoAnn Sedoris + 2 Adults, 3 Grands, Roswell, GA, ADT exp #24636Airedale Rescue Group
Phone interview: JoAnn Sedoris
JoAnn moved from Miami, FL to Roswell, GA about 1 year ago after the death of her husband. She lives in a downstairs apartment while her daughter and her family live upstairs. They live on a cul-de-sac, only 49 homes in their neighborhood. There are 11 children on their cul-de-sac and she says for this reason she wouldn’t let a ‘dale out from without being leashed. The back yard is fenced. Her daughter has a 10 Beagle named Olive. Olive is described as “sweet, friendly and docile.” JoAnn has had 2 Airedales….the 1st shortly after she and her husband married (over 45 years ago) and the second ‘dale they got when the 1st was between 6 & 8 years old. Muttley, their 1st ‘dale they got from a puppy mill in Deland, FL. She said the conditions were deplorable. He was 10 weeks old. The female, Torrie they got through a friend of a friend that was giving her up. Torrie was about 7 months old. Muttley lived for 12 years and Torrie for 13. She has also adopted a lab in the past, has had dachshunds.
Being that she has had 2 ‘dale puppies, she stated that she “always crate trains my puppies.” She would prefer that the adopted ‘dale be crate trained. It will be her dog, sleeping downstairs with her in her apartment, but notes that she shares meals and spends a lot of time with family, so dog will be a family dog as well. She also completed a FL Airedale Rescue application as she has a daughter in Bradenton, FL and she spends a couple months in the summer with her… she will take her dog with her. She states that she will obedience train the ‘dale herself vs a class. She admits that she is OCD about some things…”I’m very neat, I like things in their place.” JoAnn related that when Olive comes inside she wipes her paws with baby wipes. I reminded JoAnn that Airedales are messy, that EVERYTHING sticks to them…they bring in bits of dormant grass all winter etc. She related that she knows that & that she’s OK with that. We also discussed the fact that dogs come into rescue for a variety of reasons and that time, patience, love, and consistency in large measure are needed when adopting. JoAnn would prefer a ‘dale less than a year and a half. I explained that we don’t often get puppies in. I encouraged her to keep an eye on our website as well as our fb page.
JoAnn listed her daughter’s vet as vet of reference. Daughter is very conscientious regarding care for Olive. She is up to date on shots/vaccinations and is heart worm negative. This would be the vet that JoAnn would use as well.
I spoke with her personal reference and received a glowing report. They have known each other for over 35 years. The reference described JoAnn as “wonderful, terrific with dogs.” JoAnn “is a true dog Mom…we both are. We love dogs.” She described JoAnn’s past dogs as having been “sweet, gentle and well-behaved.” “They are a wonderful family.” She said that “the ‘dale that lands with JoAnn will hit a gold mine.”March 31, 2020 at 1:59 pm in reply to: Cara Hinson & Aaron McCoy, Auburn, GA, ADT exp., 4 kids, 6 hr alone, 0 pets #24627Good morning Cara,
Just a couple of things I wanted to let you know/clarify as I was writing up our phone conversation.
ARG does not approve of leaving a ‘dale out in the yard unattended…I noted that deep in the body of your application you stated that “when running errands, the dog may be outside in the fenced area weather permitting…” Our position is that they should be attended to at all times when outside…even in a fenced area as there are so many things that could happen. I hope this isn’t a deal breaker for you and your family. Providing your ‘dale is trained and used to the run of the house, or once he/she is trained they could have the run of the house or a designated place in the house when you had to be gone. I know both you and I aren’t crazy about crate training, but is does help and crates can be great. I think we as humans have more problems with crates than the ‘dales!!!
The other item is your reference Kelli Hood. I’ve left a voice message, but haven’t gotten a response. Maybe she thinks my number is a robo call or telemarketer! 404-539-2775 is the correct # right?
That’s all I have. Maybe you could drop Kelli a text or an email to let her know I’ll be calling. Let me know how you and Aaron feel about this. Please don’t hesitate to call/text/email with questions or concerns.
Warmest regards,
Kelly Imbody, ARG
left 2nd voice message for personal referenceMarch 30, 2020 at 10:59 am in reply to: Cara Hinson & Aaron McCoy, Auburn, GA, ADT exp., 4 kids, 6 hr alone, 0 pets #24611AIREDALE RESCUE GROUP
Phone Interview: Cara Hinson
Cara and her husband live in Athens, GA. Cara is an RN, working on a vascular access team at the local hospital. Aaron is in Security at a hospital in Atlanta. They have 4 children ages 17, 8, 6 and 5. Cara had an Airedale as a child at about age 4 and said that she was in HS when they had to put her down.
They are in a new development with 2 cul-de-sacs, no through street/traffic. Only about 14 homes in the neighborhood. They have a 2 story home with all bedrooms upstairs. Cara said the plan would be for the ‘dale to sleep on the main floor but realizes that this probably won’t happen as the kids would end up having the ‘dale sleep in their room(s).
She is not familiar with crate training and doesn’t want to crate train. We discussed that issue in that in my experience (having only crate trained my current ‘dale…(he’s ‘dale # 5 for us) that I found it to be more “traumatic” for me than my Amos!!! That crate training definitely has it’s place. She sounded like she would be amenable to it if necessary. We discussed that fact that ‘dales often come into rescue with some baggage and that it will take time, patience, consistency and love to work through issues. Also explained the fact that just the process of rescue/rehoming is stressful. Stated that the last thing we want is for one of our rescue ‘dales to “fail.”
I explained the HV process and encouraged her to keep an eye on our website as well as our fb page.
I attempted to reach out to her personal reference, but no luck as yet…will keep trying.March 26, 2020 at 8:31 pm in reply to: Tanya & Bert Pictor, Wake Forest, NC; Current ADT & small mixed dog, 0 kids, 8 hr alone WANTS FEMALE PUPPY #24604Additional note on Stella: Tanya reports that Stella was placed on doggy Prozac for her anxiety issues and it seems to be helping.
March 26, 2020 at 8:14 pm in reply to: Tanya & Bert Pictor, Wake Forest, NC; Current ADT & small mixed dog, 0 kids, 8 hr alone WANTS FEMALE PUPPY #24603Airedale Rescue Group
Phone interview: Tanya Pictor
3/26/20Tanya and Bert are from South Africa. They are ADT experienced in that they have had 3 Airedales in the past, all adopted but not through a rescue group. Tanya relates that they acquired the ‘dales via breeders regarding folks who were having difficulty with the ‘dales and wanted to re-home them. Their current ‘dale Stella had a very hard start in life. They found her on the internet and when going to the breeder (no name kennel…private breeder) he “pulled her out of a tunnel with a spade.” She said Stella looked like she was the runt…a pup no one wanted, so they took her. She relates that she’s very timid, is easily overwhelmed by a lot of dogs. She desperately wants to get a playmate and companion for Stella. Stella has some destructive behaviors in that she eats drywall, furniture etc. These behaviors are not new in onset since having put Abbey, their 11 yr. old ‘dale down recently due to kidney failure.
They have an electronic fence, it is operational and works for Stella. Tanya relates that they’ve always used an electric fence, “she doesn’t really need her collar on…she minds it. Stella occasionally goes to doggy day care to vary her routine.
They are looking for a younger dog…3-4 years old, preferably a female but would be open to a male. They’ve just always had females.
I got a glowing report from the vet. Up to date on everything. Very caring. The gal got so excited when I told her why I was calling saying “Stella deserves it, she’s lost without Abbey.” She described the Pictors as great people.
The personal reference was just as good. She related that Stella was 7-9 mos. when they got her. She had a really rough beginning but the change in Stella since they’ve had her is wonderful. “You don’t see that with someone that doesn’t love their dogs.” She relates that they care for each others dogs when going out of town. “They take exceptional care of their dogs.”My only concern is that they are gone 8 hours/day at work. However, a friend/companion/partner in crime would temper the time alone somewhat. I think these folks should be sainted! Most folks would draw the line at drywall and/or furniture!!!! I would like to get Stella aka the Pictors a ‘dale ASAP.