Kelly Geren-Imbody

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  • I loved them! They have plenty of space. She said the house is for living in and is ok with the mess that they bring in and a dog may bring in.
    Their son did ask me some questions and is super excited about having a dog!
    I saw the laundry area – it is handy but small. They would use the spare room downstairs with a nice walk in shower to wash him/her.
    I don’t think he dog would be in the backyard without them and the chickens were happy in their nice accommodations out there.

    Laura Kjeldsen

    I wanted to let you know that I’ve put a pause on the home visit. My sister brought my dog back to me from Florida a couple weeks ago and somy situation has changed.

    Thank you so much.

    Good morning Shannon and Frank,

    I’m sorry it’s taken me a while to get back with you. I think Mary and I got lost in a spam folder along the way. Anyway, I just spoke to Mary and I wanted to let you know that you’ve been placed on our “waiting for a spare ‘dale” list!!!
    As you know, we don’t have many ‘dales right now, but that can change overnight. Please keep your eye on our ARG website as well as our Facebook page. When a ‘dale comes in to rescue, we cull through our applicants to find the best possible match. What we see as a good match and what you see as a good match may be 2 different things…that’s why we want you to keep an eye out. If you see a ‘dale that you think would be a good fit, reach out to me. It may take a while, but it will be worth the wait!

    Kelly Imbody, ARG

    3/6/2021 Home visit completed per Mary Dams (the following are notes from our conversation re: same.)
    These are great folks. They are not fenced. Live on a lake, on cul-de-sac. Backyard has small hill then the lake. There is no carpet in the house, it is very dog friendly. Frank has had WFT’s in the past, so they are used to “messy”. They have a boat and they want to take the ‘dale boating. Shannon walks every day. They are in their 50’s and both working from home. Mary said they would be great adopters!

    Good morning Michele!

    Again, ARG can’t thank you enough for doing this!

    I have attached these folks ARG application, my phone interview notes and the Home Visit evaluation form. The HV eval. form provides a great guideline regarding what to assess during your visit. You may want to familiarize yourself with it before you go as it can be a bit intimidating to some if it is “checked off” during your visit. The bottom line or $64,000.00 question is: “Would you feel comfortable leaving your ‘dale with these folks?”

    As Christina mentioned, because of Covid we want you to be safe and remain healthy, so follow the recommended guidelines to your comfort level as well as the Klein’s whom you’ll be visiting.

    I will introduce you to them and them to you via a shared email. I’ll remind them that we would like everyone living in the home to be present for the HV, but you may want to reiterate that when you communicate with them as well. Also, we encourage our HV volunteers to take your ‘dale with you if you’re comfortable doing so. This can often provide valuable insight as to how the folks interact with the ‘dale etc.

    Once you’ve visited these folks, you can jot your notes down and email them to me (Word documents work best when we post them on our site) or you can give me a call and tell me about the visit and I’ll just make some notes.

    If you should have any questions or concern, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing how things went!

    Kelly Imbody, ARG

    Good morning Kleins and Michele!

    Shannon, meet Michele O’Neil. She will be contacting you to do your home visit. ARG asks that everyone living in the home be present for the home visit. We want you to adhere to the Covid guidelines to everyone’s comfort level.
    Michele may opt to bring her ‘dale Bodie with her for the visit.
    Please contact me with any questions and/or concerns. I’ll be anxious to know how it goes!

    Kelly Imbody, ARG

    Airedale Rescue Group
    Phone Interview: Mary Fischer-Mullins
    Mary and her partner Nichole live on 2 quiet wooded acres. They have a farm fence. The “pool” is really just a large galvanized tank that is not accessible to a dog. Nichole is always home and Mary states she is mostly home since Covid. Mary had 2 Airedales during her childhood. On they got from their Grandpa as an adult and the 2nd one they got as a puppy before Mary went off to college. They have been about 4 years without a dog.
    They prefer crate training and hope to do so with a rescue. There is a walk thru laundry room/mud room that functions as a crate when needed in addition to the usual crate. She feels it’s important that the dog have a safe place. They have twins age 8, both whom are “dog lovers.” Harper, one of the twins is allergic to cats. They have chickens, but they are not free ranged. The coop is very secure as they live in a wooded area. They plan to obedience train. No sex preference and preferably a young adult.
    In talking with Mary it is obvious that she knows and is aware of the needs of a rescue. We spoke of the need for patience, time, consistency and love in bringing a rescue home. All in the home are on board with getting another dog and this time.

    Personal reference:
    Was aware that they were considering and looking to get a dog, but wasn’t sure regarding breed. Reference has known applicant for about 6 years and describes applicant as having a small homestead farm. She states that they are great people and can think of nothing that would/should prevent adoption.

    The Klein family live in Hamiton, GA which is near Columbus, GA. They currently have a 9 ½ y/o female Airedale named Tess. After the death of Shannon’s mother, they brought Tess home with them from her Dad’s as all felt that she needed more interaction and more of a “home life.” Their oldest is in college, and they have a 15 and 12 year old. Tess was crate trained. They don’t have a fence for the purpose of containment. It is more to shield the back yard from the road…more like a privacy fence but only stretches across from both sides of the home. They live in a wooded area, the road is “hardly traveled.” They have 15 acres of woods all around them with barbed wire, but admits this would not keep a dog in. Tess is allowed outside to roam, but does not leave the yard. On their application it was stated that “it’s rare these days that we leave her alone but when we do, we usually leave her outside.” I informed Shannon that we could not and would not adopt to anyone that had plans to leave their dog unattended. She stated that every dog they’ve ever had has stayed in the yard and she attributes this to training. She stated that she knows that it will take a lot of training to get to this point. She stated that the adopted dog would be leashed until trusted not to run. Shannon stated that she’s knows they’ll “have to start from square one” with a new dog.
    I asked why they don’t do heart worm prevention and she stated that her husband said it was too expensive. She said that she told him that ARG was asking about that on the application and that he said he would give preventative.
    They have 2 cats that “showed up.” They are outside cats.
    They prefer a female, young adult or puppy.

    Personal reference:
    The reference has known the family for several years, but have become closer over the past couple of years. They are “great dog people.” She describes them as very caring. Tess is well-behaved. A very sweet dog.

    Spoke with Mandy at Vet’s office. It has been a while since the cats have been seen. She said that they were either strays or dropped off out in the country. Tess is up to date on vaccines. Receives Simparica for fleas and ticks. She confirmed that she is not on heart worm preventative but tested negative on 9/11/2020. There were no red flags on the vet record.

    Good morning Mary,
    The HV form/paperwork is a bit cumbersome but a good guide nonetheless. No need to fill it out. If you could just elaborate a bit more…their property, fence/no fence, how they interacted with your ‘dale if you took him/her. Is the home pristine…would a ‘dale be welcome there as they are messy! If you’d rather give me a call, that’s fine too and I’ll just make a few notes from our conversation and post them. Whatever you prefer. I’ll not be available this morning, so late afternoon today into the evening will work. Again, many thanks Mary!

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

    From: Mary Dams
    Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2021 7:56 PM
    To: Kelly Imbody
    Subject: Home Visit

    Hi Kelly,
    Met with Shannon and Frank today and they are great people! Lovely home right on the water, they work from home-are active and are experienced dog owners. I think they would be wonderful. I guess I need to fill out the paperwork for you-correct? Let me know if you would like to talk on the phone as well.
    Thanks, Mary

    Gentle rejection letter sent. App. incomplete…no vet listed other than Petco Insurance. No personal reference listed…”I’m a realtor, everyone knows me.” Replied “nope” so often it made my brain hurt…who does that?? It’s a question requiring a yes/no answer…no a nope/yep answer. I feel sorry for his Doodle.

    Geez! It was like pulling teeth getting info from this guy (Miguel Battle). I asked him how he came to fill out an app with ATRA (my old stomping grounds!) and after redirecting him numerous times, he related that he “spoke with a woman in SC who actually handles both Carolinas.” (who is this woman? Let’s sign her up!) He told me that he lives in Asheville, but he’ll be moving to NC (!?!!!??) Again, after many attempts to clarify I finally got it that he is currently in Asheville, moving at some point to Cullowhee, NC but is shipping out soon as he’s in the military. He’s 21 years old. Has never interacted with an Airedale, does not currently have a place to live in Cullowhee…the list goes on! This was painful. I left it with him that if after he returns from being deployed and is still interested to contact me. He was agree able and I thanked him for his service.


    I did not speak with the applicant. I called the vet…only 1 cat listed in their records and it just had the initial vaccination and was to receive 2 more but did not follow through. She lists 2 adult cats on her application. Also there are discrepancies especially the # of roommates she has.
    I spoke with her landlord. He was unaware that she wants to adopt, didn’t know what an Airedale was and said that she has not indicated to him that this is what she wants to do. He generally does not allow his renter(s) to have dogs. Seeing as she was not forthcoming with accurate information in her application, I did not pursue her any further.

    Airedale Rescue Group would like to thank you both for your interest in and love of Airedales.
    After reviewing your application, preferences and speaking with your references, we have come to the unfortunate conclusion that we don’t have any Airedales that would be a good fit for you. As you are most likely aware, Airedales and most dogs for that matter, come into rescue because of troublesome issues. These issues are exacerbated through the surrender and re-homing/adoption process. We see a regression in training/learning, an escalation in aggression issues if present and acting out just to name a few. We rarely have a perfect Airedale…something we’d all like!!
    We wish you well in your search for an addition to your family. We are just unable to help at this time.
    Kelly Imbody, ARG

    hanks Mary!!! Will wait to hear!!!
    Sent from my iPhone

    On Feb 12, 2021, at 15:03, Mary Dams wrote:
    Hi Kelly,
    I spoke with Shannon and we will set something up after the 25th due to our schedules not lining up til then. Will keep you posted-Thanks!

    On Feb 9, 2021, at 1:13 PM, Kelly Imbody wrote:

    Thank you Mary! Please follow whatever precautions you are comfortable with regarding this pandemic. It certainly is making everything a bit more challenging.

    The name of these folks is:

    Shannon & Frank Newsom
    1116 Shadow Lane
    Mount Juliet, TN 37122

    Please find attached their ARG application and the notes from my phone interview. Also attached is the Home Visit evaluation form for your reference. I’ll introduce you both via a shared email and then the ball is in your court! Just send me some notes that you make regarding your visit (preferably in a Word doc. as these are easily placed on our site). I’ll remind them that they both need to be present for the home visit and that you may/may not opt to bring your ‘dale.

    Thanks in advance so much for helping us out at ARG!! I anxiously await hearing how things went!

    Kelly Imbody, ARG

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

    From: Mary Dams
    Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 7:54 AM
    To: Kelly Imbody
    Subject: Re: Airedale Rescue Home Visit help?

    Hi Kelly,
    I will be happy to help, let me know the contact info etc-and see what we can work out:) Mary
    Spun off my iPhone

    On Feb 9, 2021, at 5:56 AM, Kelly Imbody wrote:

    Good morning Mary,

    My name is Kelly Imbody and I’m a volunteer with Airedale Rescue Group. I think that I’ve contacted you in the past and you were able to help us with a home visit.

    I any event, that is the reason for my email this morning. We have some folks in Mount Juliet, TN that want to adopt an Airedale. I’ve completed their phone interview and I’m hoping you’ll be able to help us with a home visit. As you know, ARG depends on our network of friends and Airedale lovers throughout our region to help us place these ‘dales in their forever homes.

    If this is something you think you can help us with, please let me know and I’ll get you the information that you need. You are my “Plan A” Mary! I don’t have a “Plan B”!!!!!!

    Please let me know if you’re able to help. I anxiously await your reply.

    Most sincerely,

    Kelly Imbody, ARG

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

    Thanks soooo much Christina! Will be anxious to hear!!!
    Sent from my iPhone

    On Feb 10, 2021, at 09:49, Christina Prange wrote:
    hi – looks like all is good for a HV in Durham. I made notes on the intranet. Yes, I figured out how to get onto the intranet! I don’t know how to move anything around but I can write notes!

    I look forward to meeting Samantha. Her choice in veterinary care stands out to me – she goes to a good vet. I will let you know when i got there!
    Christina Prange
    (919) 605-4563

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