Forum Replies Created
May 15, 2020 at 4:53 pm in reply to: Michael J. Klein, Auburn, AL (Lisa H. Nathan died 02-10-2020) #24853
From michael@kleinplumbing.orgJackie,
My dear daughter-in-law found a Havanese puppy for sale from one of her clients who is a breeder, Harry (Lisa’s maiden name) and I have been together since the end of March. He has been a savior, Not certain I’m ready for another member in the family just yet although I have great admiration for the Airedale breed and really miss Tillie. Please stay connected and I will be more than happy to interview.
Thank you, be well and safe,
Michael J Klein
Office 334-821-3085
Cell 334-319-3337
May 13, 2020 at 4:41 pm in reply to: Janea (Jaye) L. Green, Winston-Salem, NC, ADT exp., former adopter, 4-5 hr alone #2485205/12/2020: Jaye wants to adopt Atticus but needs this week to get her new home ready. She can take him the w/e of the 23rd.
Everything checks out for her; am awaiting photos.
May 13, 2020 at 4:26 pm in reply to: Janea (Jaye) L. Green, Winston-Salem, NC, ADT exp., former adopter, 4-5 hr alone #2484905/10/2020: Per conversation with Jaye:
Project manager for sign company. They are rebranding all the Verizon stores across the country. She makes certain everything inside and outside the store complies with their guidelines (a 300+ page notebook) and handles coding and licensing with municipalities. (Very responsible job that requires attention to detail, staying current, multi-tasking.)
Her 30-year-old nephew Andrew lives with her: Nephew He’s an EMT and works 8 p to 7 a , so one of them is home almost all the time. He is engaged to be married and asked if he could live with her so he can save money and live a more settled life (instead of moving every year). She said he’s very serious about his future.She has just moved into her new home this past weekend! She will send photo of her home from street, photos exiting door to yard, photo or 2 of inside. (She’s not completely moved in yet; boxes and not all furniture.)
Send photo of yard – front and back The yard is overgrown but the dogs can go out there. The landlord has allowed her to extend the fence to encompass the back door. She has a deck with a pergola and they are going to put a real roof over the pergola so that if she’s cleaning inside she can let the pups stay out on the deck. She’s going to have cots on the deck for the dogs.The dog would stay in the house while I’m not home. The dog can be crated or not. Tell me about a typical week day and typical weekend. Typical 7 am to 4 pm. Nephew 8 pm – 7 am.
Someone will be home all the time. She Can work from home when she wants to. Weekends she’s home. She’s a homebody. She will take a couple of big trips a year. She didn’t ever board Yogi; she hires pet sitter. She used to pet sit for a family but doesn’t pet sit any more. She and a close friend might sit for each other but that’s about it. She would take Atticus everywhere she could with her.Hiking, walking, boating, road trips Do you have access to a boat? Did Yogi go in the boat? She used to house sit for a couple who had a home on the lake and Yogi loved going to the dock and on the boat, but not IN the water.
Did you use a trainer with Yogi? Winston-Salem Dog Training Facility. She plans to use them for Atticus also.
Where will your Airedale sleep? Did Yogi sleep with her; he slept where he wanted to. Started in her room and then go to his bed or his couch.
My nephew Andrew has a female/ spayed, 6 y/o shepherd mix. She has been with him for three years now and doesn’t like to be alone. She will enjoy having a companion. How big is Bowie? (Is she up to date on all vax etc.) Bowie is 48 lbs; small. Up to date on everything. Bowie has food allergies, which are under control. How are they controlled? She’s not really allergic but nephew was feeding her people food and that would upset her stomach.
Last Airedale was on Purina Pro Plan. I will feed what dog is currently eating as long as it continues to give the proper nourishment without issues. I told her to Check out Dog Food Advisor. PPP is not a great food.
Simparica Google this. Do not recommend oral flea/tick preventatives. Neuro side effects, seizures.
Yogi escaped — slipped his collar — a couple of times on walks. He would take off for the woods. I could get him back by driving the car near him. He always came immediately, but she switched to a martingale collar and he couldn’t escape from her any more. Whew!
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
Jackie Cash.
May 13, 2020 at 4:09 pm in reply to: Janea (Jaye) L. Green, Winston-Salem, NC, ADT exp., former adopter, 4-5 hr alone #2484705/12/2020 Per Vet’s office: She was a great dog mom. She kept Yogi up to date on everything – hw preventative, flea/tick preventative. She brought him in every 6 months for blood work for his thyroid issues. He was on anti-inflammatories for his hips and thyroid medicines. She had ultrasound done when suggested. She did everything she could for him and brought him in for euthanasia last week.
Lloyd has known Jaye 20 years. He knew she was getting Atticus and is so excited for her. He loved Yogi and it was so hard to lose him. Jaye is wonderful.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
Jackie Cash.
May 11, 2020 at 8:18 pm in reply to: Michael J. Klein, Auburn, AL (Lisa H. Nathan died 02-10-2020) #2484105/11/2020:
Jackie,My dear daughter-in-law found a Havanese puppy for sale from one of her clients who is a breeder, Harry (Lisa’s maiden name) and I have been together since the end of March. He has been a savior, Not certain I’m ready for another member in the family just yet although I have great admiration for the Airedale breed and really miss Tillie. Please stay connected and I will be more than happy to interview.
Thank you, be well and safe,
Michael J Klein
Office 334-821-3085
Cell 334-319-3337From: Jackie Cash
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 12:05 PM
To: Michael J. Klein
Cc: Barbara Yager
Subject: Checking in with you…Hi, Michael. I wanted to check in with you to see how you’re doing and whether you are still interested in adopting an Airedale. When we last spoke, you had just lost your dear Lisa, and we agreed to let some time pass. I am so sorry for your loss.
Please let me know if you are interested in proceeding with the application process and I will contact you for a phone interview. We have only one Airedale available for adoption right now, but we never know when we will get another.
I look forward to hearing from you, Michael.
May 11, 2020 at 4:29 pm in reply to: Josh Myers & Kristin Ray, Atlanta, GA, Not ADT exp., 0 pets, 3-4 kids? #2483805/11/2020: LVM.
05/08/2020: Jaye Green is interested in Atticus. Her Yogi just died this week but she is ready for another Airedale.
May 8, 2020 at 8:56 pm in reply to: Melissa & Jody Payne, Spring Lake, NC, ADT exp., current ADT, 0 kids, 4-5 hr alo #2482905/08/2020: They had asked about Banjo but I told her he doesn’t get along with other male dogs. That’s ok. She just saw his age and was sad. She said she wanted to adopt them all. I told her we can arrange that.
I will follow up with the vet’s reference and told Melissa that we hope we can do a home visit soon.
May 8, 2020 at 8:53 pm in reply to: Melissa & Jody Payne, Spring Lake, NC, ADT exp., current ADT, 0 kids, 4-5 hr alo #2482705/08/2020: Spoke to Melissa Payne and she is nice. She and husband have lived in NC about 1-1/2 years now. He’s in the military and will be deployed soon — she couldn’t say much more. They have no children but may in the future. They have Watson, a 7-1/2 yo N/M Airedale that they got when he was about 9 months old from a couple who was divorcing. He as trained and a good dog but he was so terrified and anxious when they got him. He was confused and just shook, but they soon won him over. They have trained him to an e-fence and he has never breached it. He will go right up to the edge when other dogs pass by to greet them. We discussed the problems with efences and she understood. She says they always watch Watson when he’s outside and never leave him alone. The e-fence surrounds their house but doesn’t enclose the entire yard. Re: her answer to the door doesn’t open to the dog’s place, she misunderstood. Yes, any door to the outside opens to his area. Their HOA is very strict about dogs being within fenced areas (incl e-fence) or on leash. They have a neighborhood FB page and they always know about a missing dog or cat.
What do you do/your husband do? She’s an LPN and is in school but planning to work as an on-call nurse. She plans to go on to medical school. I said that’s a lot of work and a lot of hours away from home. (This sounds odd to me because she’s already 36 years old. It can be done, but IDK.) In neighborhood they have dog-walking services, they will use them if she goes to work. She has used them bc she was gone 1 week. Came to the house 4x a day. 3 different people in her neighborhood.
I asked about their using a crate: They tried to use a crate and he was a Houdini and broke out of it. In the beginning he did chew some expensive things, but he doesn’t do it anymore. Chewed the couch.
Describe how your dog reacts to other dogs on walks, in parks, at the vet’s office He’s large breed, intimidates other dogs. Never aggressive, just sniffing and other dogs don’t like that. They will growl at him or bark and Watson’s bark is loud and intimidating. Friendly with other dogs, doesn’t pull hard. He as already trained some but her husband really worked with him walking him around the neighborhood. He’s almost 104 (largest he’s been) but right now 80-90 lbs.
Riverbark Veterinary Clinic, Spring Lake NC Phone : (910) 621-1604 I spoke to Megan: Not a lot of records. New client stuff but nothing much. Watson has not been treated there. He has an appointment on Monday. Call back afterwards.
We groom our dog ourselves Really. How did you learn to do that? Her husband grooms himself and has watched a lot of videos. Sometimes he looks like a poodle. She will have him groomed when her husband is gone. She bathes him herself.
04/27/2020 Zoey has been adopted by Stephanie Osborne.
May 6, 2020 at 5:26 pm in reply to: Al & Jane Merrill, Greenwood, SC, NOT ADT exp., 2 daughters, ? hr alone, 0 pets #24822Kelly
May 6, 2020 at 5:26 pm in reply to: Pam & Joe Sharp, Davidson, NC, Not ADT exp., 16yo LabraD, 0 kids, 2-5 hr alone #24821Julie
May 6, 2020 at 5:23 pm in reply to: Kathleen Borchers, Chattanooga, TN, ADT exp., 0 pets, 0 kids, few hr alone #24818Pat
———- Original Message ———-
From: Airedale Rescue Group
Date: May 3, 2020 at 8:25 AM
Subject: Adoption Application Form submitted on Airedale Rescue GroupName Robert D. Grizzle Jr.
Preferred email address
Alternate email address
Preferred phone number 770-617-6507
Best time to contact Anytime
Street 402 Half Hitch Court
City Woodstock
State Georgia
ZIP 30188
A 1. Residence a. House
A 2. Duration a. 5-10 years or more
A 3. If you rent, do you have permission from your landlord to have a dog? a. N/A
A 5. Please list the names and ages of household residents including yourself Robert Grizzle age 67
Penny Grizzle age 60
Latte Grizzle 5 year old Standard Poodle
A 6. Please list the names and ages of frequent visitors, including children Daughter age 35
Son age age 32
B 1. What type of material is your fence made of? b. Wood
B 1. f. If “Other” please describe your fencing 48″ Cedar slab brand new
B 2. What is the height of your fencing? b. 4-5ft
B 3. Please indicate length and width in feet or acres. e.g. 200 ft x 100 ft. 1 acre lot
B 4. What is the foot surface for the dog? a. Grass
B 4. f. If “Other” please describe we have a large yard with plenty of room for a dog to run and play safely
B 5. Do you have a dog door? b. No
B 6. Do you have a door which opens directly to the dog’s area? a. Yes
B 7. Do you have a swimming pool? B. No
B 8. Is the swimming pool accessible to the dog? a. N/A
B 9. Is there a leash law in your community? b. No
B 10. Is there a dog license law in your community? b. No
Awareness C. AWARENESS
C 1. Why do you want to adopt an Airedale? “I love Airedales”, I got my 1st Airedale in 1996 and subsequently have had 3 Airedales since
I just lost my beloved 10 1/2 year old Airedale, Tara to kidney disease
C 2. What do you know about Airedales? What qualities appeal to you? I”ve owned Dales for almost 30 Years along with Kerry Blue Terriers and Wire Haired Fox Terriers
C 3. Is this your first Airedale Terrier? b. No
C 4. Are you aware that Airedales need to be clipped at least 3 times a year? a. Yes
C 5. Is anyone in your household, including frequent visitors, allergic to dogs? b. No
C 6. Are you aware that Airedales often pose a clean house challenge with muddy footprints and sloppy wet beards? a. Yes
C 7. What kind of temperament would best suit your household? Check all that apply. a. Energetic, always on the go , b. Sweet and cuddly , c. Couch potato 80% of the time , d. Loves to walk, run or hike, e. Devil dog – needs constant watching or will chew the house down , f. Protector of the house – barks loud , g. Patient and tolerant of kids , i. Tolerant to other animals like cats, birds, ferrets and others
Care D. CARE
D 1. What is the name of the person who will be the primary caregiver? Robert D. Grizzle Jr. and Penny Teninty Grizzle
D 2. Do you or do other caregivers have any physical limitations that would make it difficult or impossible to run after a loose dog or pick up a 50-70 pound dog? Explain. no limitations
D 3. How many hours will the dog be alone daily? None, I’m retired
D 4. Describe how the dog would spend a typical workday or weekend at your home. Where will the dog stay when you are at work or out of the house? I would be with the dog 100% of the time as I’m retired and my wife works from home
D 5. What areas of your home or yard are off limits for your dog? None
D 6. What activities would you like to share with your dog? daily walks and trips to hiking trails
D 7. What will you do if your dog gets lost? Scream!
will never happen, because I know Airedales and we don’t let our dogs out unsupervised peroid!
D 8. What dollar amount will it cost annually to take care of your dog? not sure, but it doesn’t matter, because we’ll spend whatever it takes and enjoy every minute of it!
D 9. Will you obedience train your dog? c. Informally yourself
D 10. Will you use a dog crate? b. No
D 10. a. If yes, describe the times or reasons you would use a crate. I only crate train puppies
D 11. Will household members support and care for the dog? a. Yes (please describe how below)
D 11. a. Describe their support for the dog My wife and I are avid responsible dog owners and have been for 30 or more years
D 12. How will your dog be taken care of when you are away for business or vacation? a. Cared for by household member
D 13. Is there a spot already reserved in your home for an Airedale? e. Kitchen/laundry room
D 13. g. If “Other” please describe our dogs are able to roam the house and sleep in our bedroom (mostly on our bed:)
Pets E. PETS
E 1. Do you currently own or live with any other animals? a. Yes
E 2. Please describe your pets, including the type of animal(s), are they spayed/neutered, and their ages, and your previous pets, including the type of animal and breed, how long you had them, and what happened to them. we only have a 5 1/2 year old Standard Poodle currently
E 3. Do your pets get along with other dogs? a. Yes
E 4. Are your animals up to date on their shots and vaccines? a. Yes
E 4. i. Please provide details of your animals’ shots and vaccines and any medical conditions they may have. we don’t do unneccessary vaccines, we do Titer Test where applicaple
E 5. Name, address and phone number of your current vet. Dr. Gerald Skees
12910 Highway 92 Ste 102 Woodstock, Georgia 30188
Ph # 770-928-9094my Vet is also an Airedale owner:)
I give my consent to Airedale Rescue Group to contact my Veterinarian to verify the care of my household animals, past and present. Yes
E 6. Name and phone number of your current groomer. me:)
Robert D. Grizzle Jr.
I give my consent to Airedale Rescue Group to contact my groomer to verify the care of my household animals, past and present Yes
E 7. What brand of dog food do you feed? we home cook for our dogs and only feed Human grade food peroid
E 8. What brand of heartworm preventative do you use; how often do you use it? n/a
E 9. What brand of flea and tick preventative do you use; how often do you use it? n/a
E 10. Do you give your dog(s) any vitamins or supplements? If yes, please explain. yes, we use 4Life Transfer Factor Canine complete, but it been discontinued but we (still have some left) but I’m still looking for a replacement and doing do diligence to make sure it’s appropriate
E 11. Have you ever had a dog that ran away or escaped from your home or car? Please explain. no
E 12. Have you ever had a dog hit by a car? Explain. no
E 13. Under what circumstances would you give up a dog? never ever
E 14. Have you ever had to give up a dog? Please explain your experience. no
Preferences F. PREFERENCES
F 1. Interested in specific Airedales available for adoption on our site? Please list their names. I’m interested in a young dog only
no more than 2-3 years old
F 2. Which sex are you interested in? c. Female
F 3. Are you interested in a puppy, young adult, or older animal? Select as many as apply. a. Puppy, b. Young adult
Questions or comments G. QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS
Terms and Conditions H. TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Home Visits I. Home Visits
I 1. Do you consent to home visits before and after the adoption at a time convenient to your schedule? a. Yes
References J. REFERENCES
J 1. Enter the name and number of a personal reference who does not live with you and is not a relative. Dr. Lindsey Boozer DVM Internal Medicine Address: 630 Cobb Pkwy N # A, Marietta, GA 30062 Phone: (678) 354-7126
J 2. Have you ever adopted an Airedale from any rescue group before? b. No
Return Guarantee K. RETURN GUARANTEE
K 1. Do you agree, if in the event you CANNOT keep the Airedale you adopt that it will be returned to the Airedale Rescue Group? a. Yes, I agree to return to the Airedale Rescue Group
Adoption Fee L. ADOPTION FEE
L 1. Do you agree to the $400 adoption fee? The adoption fee is due on the day of transfer of the dog to you. Failure to pay the fee will result in ARG submitting claim through the legal system to obtain the adoption, veterinary, grooming and transport fees. a. Yes, I agree to pay the $400 adoption fee
Consent M. CONSENT
By submitting this form, I certify that the information I have provided is true and accurate. I am physically, emotionally, and financially able to care for an Airedale. I understand that Airedales require both physical and mental stimulation to thrive and I will provide both. I understand that Airedales that come into rescue may not have been trained or socialized properly and may need extra time, patience, and care to adjust to a new environment. This may include the need to attend pet obedience classes to help build a better bond with the new dog in the home. I understand that proper food and veterinarian care can be costly, and I am able to meet these needs. I agree that Airedale Rescue Group may check my veterinarian, groomer and personal references, as well as, my landlord, if applicable. Home visits will be conducted prior to and following an adoption to ensure the safe-keeping of the Airedale. ARG reserves the right to decline adoptions. ARG reserves the right to reclaim any dog who, in our judgment, appears neglected, abused, unkempt, or unsafe. ARG reserves the right to reclaim any dog for non-payment of the adoption fee at any time. I hereby agree, and consent
Signed: Mr Robert D. Grizzle Jr.-
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Jackie Cash.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by