Jackie Cash

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  • Jackie Cash

      Retroactively 03/15/18 or so: Bridge and Clay adopted Annie from a vet’s office in Robertsdale, AL, who contacted me about an Airedale mix. I put her on Airedale Mixes and after 6 weeks or so, no one had come forward for her, so I told Bridge.
      04/28/18: They love Annie. She’s great with their little dog, Roxi, some kind of mix.

      in reply to: Private: Zelda – 9 yrs old Fostering w James Kleen #20458
      Jackie Cash

        10/25/18: From James Kleen

        z-dale has taken to drinking what I estimate to be 20 gallons of water at a time. she never used to do this. berk did, after which he’d vomit all over everything. she doesn’t do that. but wonder is this an elderly dale-ism. I don’t remember if the groverdarbies did or not. grover may have. ??

        the vet said her urine is normal . had some epithelial cells and wants to do a recheck at some point. but basically fine. she is otherwise 100% fine.

        she is peeing lots. . . usually outdoors thankfully.

        will get her in for some blood work.

        thanks all for the consideration.

        update. . . zelda’s blood results are normal. urine normal except diluted. she is otherwise acting normal – just drinks lots and pees lots. do we need to keep looking? is this a symptom of being an antique? our local doc suggested imaging of kidneys. maybe a boat payment coming up who knows.

        hey it isn’t easy being the elderly stateswoman of the airedale community down here. and. . .only member, come to think of it!

        will monitor for now and plan for recheck maybe next month. that will be a 2-3 month gap between tests (assuming no other problems arise in the interim). we’ve been doing ‘senior’ bloodwork somewhat regularly for taking the antiinflammatory and painkiller stuff (which has since been discontinued, having switched to galliprant and some high-dollar chews), so we have a decent record of chemistry upon which to draw for comparison.

        thanks for the emotional support/guidance, all.


        • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Jackie Cash.
        Jackie Cash

          11/28/18: JMC emailed Michele to see if she could try to get an Airedale pup from PAWS, Rutherford co animal shelter. She went to the shelter and they told her they already have adoption pending; they told me they have local citizens who have applied to adopt so do not need ARG’s help, but that they would have their rescue coordinator contact me.

          In further conversation with Michele found out that her nearly 4 year old Airedale Jasper has all kinds of health issues. Hip dysplasia from when he was a pup, a spinal issue that sometimes has him to where he cannot get up, terrible skin eruptions and infections, yeast infections, etc. She got him from a breeder in OH.

          Her circumstances have changed as well; she no longer has a fenced in yard, she sold her condo and moved into a rental house and must pay extra $35 per month if she has another dog. Call on her if we need help though.

          in reply to: Private: OLD Robert N. Axon, Charleston, SC 29401 #20446
          Jackie Cash

            11/19/18 Pat’s Email to all:

            I connected with Neal Axon tonight and we had a nice chat. He has had Airedales for years; the last one rescues about 9 year sago when it was 2. He is not sure she was an ARG dog or not; Delilah.

            Current situation is separated from his wife. Two sons, one teen, one almost teen, both love dogs and basketball and would welcome an Airedale member of their Dad’s house when they are with him (every other week).

            Neal is a physician at the VA in Charleston but mainly doing grant research and writing and not actively in patient care. While his last 2 weeks were busy with travel, he generally travels only a few time a year to conferences. He is physically fit (early 40’s, 6 ft +) to handle an exuberant young Airedale if needed and would want to and invest in obedience training. He completely understands the concern of leaving a dog door open when at work and has already talked with a couple of people he knows who are dog walkers that would be will to take an Airedale for walks.

            We talked a bit about some of the recent dogs into rescue that really were complete blank slates and would need training, patience and love. That did not concern him at all.

            I think based on his Airedale experience he is a good candidate to proceed with a home interview. He will be away over the Thanksgiving holiday.


            (PS Darn gmail and I can’t get my hands on his application right now :()

            in reply to: Private: Jonathan Hanks, Woodstock, GA 30188 #20445
            Jackie Cash

              HOME EVALUATION by Shawn Slenker
              Names: Jonathan Hanks
              Address 1132 Cotton Gin Dr
              City State ZIP Woodstock GA 30188
              Phone: 3347043989 Call: Anytime
              Email: JTH0035@auburn.edu
              Size of Home [estimate square footage if possible]:
              approx. 1800 sq ft

              Setting [check all that apply]:
              Semi rural
              X Suburban
              Semi urban
              Open acreage
              Highway frontage
              X Neighborhood street frontage
              City environment
              Property bordering on park/field

              Condition of Home [check all that apply]:
              X Lived in but clean
              Exterior untidy
              Interior untidy
              Exterior unkempt/poorly maintained
              Interior trashed/dirty

              Describe the home interior:
              3 floor condo: 1) basement/garage 2) LR, Kitchen, BR/Bath 3) 2 BR + bath. Mainly carpeted, with hardwoods on small areas and in Kitchen. It’s a bachelor condo. Nothing fancy with regard to furniture, but not ragged furniture either. 2 desks in the Living Room. Roommates (2) work in IT so there are computers/monitors. Seems a bit crowded in that room. Plenty of space otherwise. Overall, not immaculately clean, but I would not call it dirty.

              A crate, if needed, would fit in the kitchen/LR area. However, roommates are home until about 12 noon most days, so it would likely be an open house. There is no yard with the exception of very small patch of grass & shrubs in front. The neighbor does appear to be dog friendly. I observed a number of pets during the short time I was there. In addition, there are large public grassy areas available throughout the neighborhood specifically used for potty time.
              Other than the number of electrical cords in the living room, I didn’t notice any particular trouble spots for pets.

              [Give ages of children, if any, and pay special attention to the behavior of the children, the parents’ responses and method of discipline, and the children’s interactions with other pets. Note whether parents always supervise young children with other pets and if the parents seem to expect the child/children to be “responsible” for the care of the pets.]
              No children live w/ Jonathan.

              Family Environment:
              [Describe the behavior of the adults among themselves, and to any other pets or children. Are they respectful, hectic, noisy, loud, quiet, commanding, etc.?]
              Unfortunately, I only met Jonathan. His roommates (2 males) were at work. One of the roommates is planning to move to his own place in January. Jonathan himself strikes me as a reserved individual. Appears to be a responsible person; he works as a general contractor and manages construction projects. He owns the condo.

              Life-Style Compromises:
              [Has the applicant thought through life-style compromises pet ownership will require? Give details.]
              We talked a bit about this. He is not typically working long days; even works from home on occasion. He doesn’t often take long trips, but he was certain that he would have no trouble finding a dog-sitter or taking the dog with him. He also mentioned that his parents were not far away and they would likely be a short-term solution if he were to be out of town.
              Jonathan actually was excited to have the opportunity to take his dog to the dog park, or on runs. Jonathan is a young man in his mid-20s by my estimation. He appears to be in good physical condition and spoke about the potential of exercising w/ his pet.
              Jonathan does not have experience w/ dog training. So this would be a consideration in matching him w/ a potential Dale.

              Other Pets:
              [Describe number, type, age, and gender of the other pets and give complete description of their apparent health and well-being. Things to note would be skin or flea problems, condition of nails, overweight or underweight, type of collar, id tags other pets have, etc.]
              Not applicable

              Important Question to Answer:
              o Explain that re-homing a dog is stressful for the dog.
              o That often the rescued dog they want to adopt or foster may have training accidents, even if they are housebroken, while they are in their new home or foster care, for the first few weeks.
              o Ask the applicant what they would do or how they would react to the new dog having an accident.
              What was their reply? Jonathan did not seem to be troubled by the prospect of accidents. He understands that accidents are part of having a pet. Jonathan talked about his desire to understand why the accident(s) happen & how to prevent the next one.

              Additional Information:
              o Please describe any additional information about the home environment that you feel is pertinent. No concerns, other than perhaps the electrical cords. There is no yard, but I think that enough opportunity exists for exercise.
              o Is there anything in general or specifically that would cause you to feel uncomfortable about placing a dog or cat in this home? No, none.
              o If so, what?
              o “Gut feelings” are considered important. Would you feel comfortable leaving your own dog with the applicant? Yes, absolutely.
              o Explain.


              XX Approve Applicant
              Do not approve applicant
              Approve after additional counseling of applicants
              Approve after modifications to the home environment

              Please describe:

              Additional comments:

              Home Evaluator’s Signature: _Shawn Slenker__________________

              Date: __11/7/2018___________

              Contact information: Email & Phone No.: hrdballfan@gmail.com, 717-318-4906

              Additional Suggestions To The Home Evaluator:
              • If you need to take notes during the visit, please do so discreetly on a small note pad, rather than on this form. It is preferred to have the applicants feel at ease with you and to be themselves. Complete this form after the visit is over, when you are not in the presence of the applicants.
              • Qualities to note are sincerity, commitment, tolerance of normal animal behavior, honest representation of the home environment, children’s behavior with other pets, and expected role of the children in pet care. Obtain explanations about the absence of any family members during the visit. Feel free to ask leading questions to begin productive conversation. Often good conversation will reveal far more than questions.
              • Do not make any promises to the applicants or indicate whether or not they will be approved to adopt or foster. Please refrain from discussing any particular animal presently in rescue that may become available for adoption.


              To the Home Evaluator: This form can be used when doing a home visit to evaluate a potential family for a rescued Airedale. Adoption or foster applicants you are visiting have already met preliminary criteria by having their Adoption Application accepted.

              When doing a home visit, please attempt to get as much information as asked for on this form. Ask questions, where appropriate, and get as many details as you can about the home environment. Some of the questions on this form may not apply to a particular home so use your own judgment.

              If possible, bring a friend or another rescue volunteer with you on the home visit. This helps both for the purpose of having another pair of eyes and ears to assist you in making a complete evaluation and for your own personal safety.

              Names: Jonathan Hanks
              Address 1132 Cotton Gin Dr
              City State ZIP Woodstock GA 30188
              Phone: 3347043989 Call: Anytime
              Email: JTH0035@auburn.edu
              Size of Home [estimate square footage if possible]:
              approx. 1800 sq ft

              Setting [check all that apply]:
              Semi rural
              Semi urban
              Open acreage
              Highway frontage
              Neighborhood street frontage
              City environment
              Property bordering on park/field

              Condition of Home [check all that apply]:
              Lived in but clean
              Exterior untidy
              Interior untidy
              Exterior unkempt/poorly maintained
              Interior trashed/dirty

              Describe the home interior:
              [Include type of furnishings, flooring, and general appearance. For example, “antiques with museum atmosphere,” “shabby furniture,” “brand new furniture and/or carpet,” “badly stained carpet,” “hardwood/ vinyl flooring with some carpet/rugs,” etc.]
              3 floor condo: 1) basement/garage 2) LR, Kitchen, BR/Bath 3) 2 BR + bath. Mainly carpeted, with hardwoods on small areas and in Kitchen. It’s a bachelor condo. Nothing fancy with regard to furniture, but not ragged furniture either. 2 desks in the Living Room. Roommates (2) work in IT so there are computers/monitors. Seems a bit crowded in that room. Plenty of space otherwise. Overall, not immaculately clean, but I would not call it dirty.

              [Describe what accommodations the home has for a dog and where the dog will be left when the owners are not at home. For example, “crate in kitchen/laundry room,” “baby gate across kitchen,” “no crate planned,” “pen in basement,” “pen in garage,” “outdoor run,” etc. Include complete description of any pen or kennel [chain link run, dirt run with chicken wire, etc]. Will the dog ever be left chained out or left unattended in a fenced-in yard? Describe the fencing, if any, and consider security of fence.]
              A crate, if needed, would fit in the kitchen/LR area. However, roommates are home until about 12 noon most days, so it would likely be an open house. There is no yard with the exception of very small patch of grass & shrubs in front. The neighbor does appear to be dog friendly. I observed a number of pets during the short time I was there. In addition, there are large public grassy areas available throughout the neighborhood specifically used for potty time.
              Other than the number of electrical cords in the living room, I didn’t notice any particular trouble spots for pets.

              [Give ages of children, if any, and pay special attention to the behavior of the children, the parents’ responses and method of discipline, and the children’s interactions with other pets. Note whether parents always supervise young children with other pets and if the parents seem to expect the child/children to be “responsible” for the care of the pets.]
              No children live w/ Jonathan.

              Family Environment:
              [Describe the behavior of the adults among themselves, and to any other pets or children. Are they respectful, hectic, noisy, loud, quiet, commanding, etc.?]
              Unfortunately, I only met Jonathan. His roommates (2 males) were at work. One of the roommates is planning to move to his own place in January. Jonathan himself strikes me as a reserved individual. Appears to be a responsible person; he works as a general contractor and manages construction projects. He owns the condo.

              Life-Style Compromises:
              [Has the applicant thought through life-style compromises pet ownership will require? Give details.]
              We talked a bit about this. He is not typically working long days; even works from home on occasion. He doesn’t often take long trips, but he was certain that he would have no trouble finding a dog-sitter or taking the dog with him. He also mentioned that his parents were not far away and they would likely be a short-term solution if he were to be out of town.
              Jonathan actually was excited to have the opportunity to take his dog to the dog park, or on runs. Jonathan is a young man in his mid-20s by my estimation. He appears to be in good physical condition and spoke about the potential of exercising w/ his pet.
              Jonathan does not have experience w/ dog training. So this would be a consideration in matching him w/ a potential Dale.

              Other Pets:
              [Describe number, type, age, and gender of the other pets and give complete description of their apparent health and well-being. Things to note would be skin or flea problems, condition of nails, overweight or underweight, type of collar, id tags other pets have, etc.]
              Not applicable

              Owner Interaction With Other Pets: No other pets in the home.
              o Describe the relationship all family members seem to have to other pets.
              o What role will the dog play in applicant’s life?
              o Are the other pets treated like family members?
              o How do the other animals behave?
              o If applicant is looking for an additional dog, or cat why does applicant what another?
              o Does applicant believe that the new dog will “train” old dog or vice versa?
              o Has applicant ever owned more than one dog or cat at the same time?
              o Is applicant prepared for the increased work, expense [including vet cost], and commotion?
              o How committed is adopter?
              o What are the owner’s responses to behaviors good and bad?
              o Do owners demand perfection or have unreasonable expectation regarding behaviors?
              o Do other dogs in the home obey happily?
              o Are the other dogs out of control and undisciplined?
              o Do the owners appear to know some basic training techniques?
              o How do the animals react to the owner’s response?

              Important Question to Answer:
              o Explain that re-homing a dog is stressful for the dog.
              o That often the rescued dog they want to adopt or foster may have training accidents, even if they are housebroken, while they are in their new home or foster care, for the first few weeks.
              o Ask the applicant what they would do or how they would react to the new dog having an accident.
              What was their reply? Jonathan did not seem to be troubled by the prospect of accidents. He understands that accidents are part of having a pet. Jonathan talked about his desire to understand why the accident(s) happen & how to prevent the next one.

              Additional Information:
              o Please describe any additional information about the home environment that you feel is pertinent. No concerns, other than perhaps the electrical cords. There is no yard, but I think that enough opportunity exists for exercise.
              o Is there anything in general or specifically that would cause you to feel uncomfortable about placing a dog or cat in this home? No, none.
              o If so, what?
              o “Gut feelings” are considered important. Would you feel comfortable leaving your own dog with the applicant? Yes, absolutely.
              o Explain.


              Approve Applicant
              Do not approve applicant
              Approve after additional counseling of applicants
              Approve after modifications to the home environment

              Please describe:

              Additional comments:

              Home Evaluator’s Signature: _Shawn Slenker__________________

              Date: __11/7/2018___________

              Contact information: Email & Phone No.: hrdballfan@gmail.com, 717-318-4906

              in reply to: Private: Taylor & Jennifer Hawke; Georgia Davis, Atlanta, GA #20444
              Jackie Cash

                11/20/18: Hollie finally contacted Taylor Hawke and is trying to schedule the home visit.

                Jackie Cash

                  11/23/18: From Jim Ciciola
                  Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. I spend mine with family and it was wonderful. Update on Hampton

                  48.5 pounds
                  Quite healthy active and loving.
                  Most dogs up here despite breed have been dealing with itchy skin. Hampton is included. Vet believes it has something to do with all of the rain moisture has been up here for a while. Gave him an anti-bacterial baths, steroid shot, and he seems to be doing much better with itching

                  He listens and behaved quite well except when you gets around other people when he’s so happy that he can’t just not stop jumping. Still working on that but that’s something that just might be a part of his nature. Take care I’ll keep you up-to-date if you like.

                  Jim Ciociola

                  in reply to: Private: Rosa, 9-y-o Female, Franklin, TN 37064 #20438
                  Jackie Cash

                    11/22/18: Mia sent photos. These dogs may, may be part Airedale. One is mostly black and tan, but the face is not at all Airedale. The other looks like a Schnauzer mix. I sent photos to Cathy Biersack as well and she can’t take them.

                    I emailed Mia to tell her we can’t help:
                    Good morning, Mia. I am sorry, but we will not be able to take Rosa and Dozer into rescue. As we discussed yesterday, people apply to our group to adopt purebred Airedales only. We have a mix currently who we are having real problems placing. I urge you to contact some of the all-breed rescue groups in Franklin. And, if you are unable to find a group to take them, there is also the Old Dog Sanctuary in Mt. Juliet: http://oldfriendsseniordogs.com/index.html
                    They also have a FB page.

                    We wish you the very best, Mia, in trying to find appropriate homes for Dozer & Rosa. I’m sorry we can’t help.


                    in reply to: Private: Lilly, 2-3 yo Female, HW+, Roper NC #20437
                    Jackie Cash

                      11/22/18 From Jim & Gibby Lawson:
                      Good Morning to you both and Happy thanksgiving from Southport!! It is a beautiful day here and a brisk 35*- Lilly has been out for 2 walks and had her breakfast. Her coat is quite full so she is nice and warm and looks like a bear. WE all want you to know this is the best Thanksgiving for the 3 of us. We feel so Grateful to have found Lilly and that she has found us due to you girls!!Thank you so much!!
                      Lilly continues to amaze us and everyone loves her. She has met so many people and still has her initial terrible manners upon meeting anyone but absolutely is wagging her tail at everyone. Jim has his training treats on walks and Lilly is getting a little better upon seeing dogs. The barking is not as bad as in the beginning. Not saying she is perfect but she is trying. This little girl loves to please. One of things I love is she always has a wag going upon seeing us. In the morning she comes over to the bed wagging or when she walks and comes home and I am at the computer she runs in wagging and wanting me to kiss her. She is the happiest dale ever. We still have the issues with snarling at me and sometimes Jim and cannot figure this out but hope eventually it will stop. It only really happens at night. Think maybe she is just tired and out of sorts. the We also cannot touch her paws. I tried to comb her and she doesn’t like those legs to be touched!
                      One of things I think is funny is when Lilly sees someone at the door which is half glass and half wood she barks and stands straight up on her hind legs. We have never had a dale do that. She is very agile and can run really fast. We have taken her to the dog park several times but it isn’t really fun. She loves getting there but when she is actually inside she doesn’t play with he dogs. She runs with them for maybe 2 minutes and then goes off by herself. She would rather be with us. That’s okay!! we love being with her. She loves traveling so we take her quite often for whatever errands we are doing. Just has to be with the pack!
                      Well all for now. I wish I had a picture of her. We just haven’t done that. We are used to the old cameras and not the phone camera. I will try to get a pic to send you.
                      Happy Thanksgiving to you both!! Gibby

                      in reply to: Private: Samantha Beckman – MOVED to Oplika, AL #20424
                      Jackie Cash

                        11/l7/18: Holly was seen at Banfield in Cumming GA. They have estimated approx $1000 for her total heart worm treatment. And they don’t give a rescue discount. JMC paid for today’s visit with CC $98.94.

                        in reply to: Private: Ann Lassiter, Apex, NC 27502 #20421
                        Jackie Cash

                          11/17/18: Emailed Ann to see if she was interested in Hinkley.

                          11/19/18: She texted back that she is in the middle of a major renovation and wouldn’t have the time that he needs.

                          in reply to: Private: Webster, fka George, 4-y-o, Training w Cindy Green #20413
                          Jackie Cash

                            11/16/18: Terry, her husband. He’s more acclimated to people

                            He’ll have Angela figure it up.

                            He says George is just a bully. He thinks his only interaction with humans has been to use his size to get what he wants. He has no manner, doesn’t know any other way to act.

                            Send them an email with instructions.

                            in reply to: Private: Webster, fka George, 4-y-o, Training w Cindy Green #20408
                            Jackie Cash

                              11/15/18: George is going to be adopted by Wendell & Meredith Liemohn! JMC spoke to Wendell on 11/14/18 and he said that nothing I said scared him off. He is committed to training, loving, exercising, and caring for George. They can take him on 11/24/18, his wife’s birthday!, after their Thanksgiving family guests have left.

                              JMC has notified Cindy GReen. Find someone to drive to meet the Liemohns.

                              Jackie Cash

                                11/15/18: JMC spoke to Cynthia at Banfield and asked for quote for HW. She would not quote anything. They must do blood work to see how strongly positive she is. Samantha can call me at checkout for the payment.

                                Jackie Cash

                                  11/12/18: I texted both Wendell & Meredith to see if they were back from their trip. Meredith texted back that they were back and that Wendell had sent me a letter that I would get in a few days. Haha.

                                  11/14/18: Wendell sent an email to Cathy Biersack and she forwarded it to me saying they’re back from their trip and ready to adopt after Thanksgiving. I responded that I’ll call.

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